Focus on Counselling Supervision – For Professionals

These monthly group sessions are for the counselling practitioner to support their ongoing professional development. Each session is divided into a professional development topic and group supervision, using case discussions form the group members own practice.

The sessions are facilitated by two Registered Counselling Supervisors and are held in an interactive online environment. The group may be split into sub-groups for efficient use of time, or the professional development component may be held back, depending on the number of participants desiring feedback that session.

All time spent in these sessions may be recorded as professional development and/or professional supervision. Please confirm eligibility, and hour recording requirements, with your association before registration.

Mettaemergence Professional Supervision Group

Next Supervision group beginning in the Fall of 2023! Sign up now for more information.

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Mettaemergence Professional Supervision Group

Focus on Counselling Supervision

For Professionals

These monthly group sessions are for the counselling practitioner to support their ongoing professional development. Each session is divided into a professional development topic and group supervision, using case discussions form the group members own practice.

The sessions are facilitated by two Registered Counselling Supervisors and are held in an interactive online environment. The group may be split into sub-groups for efficient use of time, or the professional development component may be held back, depending on the number of participants desiring feedback that session.

All time spent in these sessions may be recorded as professional development and/or professional supervision. Please confirm eligibility, and hour recording requirements, with your association before registration.

Next Supervision group beginning in the Fall of 2023! Sign up now for more information.

Receive updates on upcoming Supervision Groups!

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